'National teacher standard' in pipeline
Datin Paduka Dyg Hajah Apsah, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Education, reading the text of speech of the Minister of Education.
The Ministry of Education is looking into introducing a "national teacher standard" so that all who work in classrooms conform to a minimum standard.
Teachers must also teach students how to teach themselves, how to access knowledge and how to use knowledge rather than the students sitting and listening to teachers talking and copying off the board.
This is important and attainable in the 21st century world and in the SPN21 education system, according to Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Lela Dato Seri Setia Awg Haji Abdul Rahman bin Dato Setia Haji Taib, Minister of Education.
He said the ministry expects to introduce inquiry-based learning in science where children participate in the learning process, and hopefully if this has a wider application in other subjects, the relevant departments and SHIBIE will adopt the best practices for the overall improvement of schools, he said.
At the opening of the Seminar cum Workshop held in conjunction with the 19th Teachers' Day, he said using ICT, we can help students who are, for instance relatively slow in understanding the basic operations in mathematics, or the meaning of certain words in English.
The minister's text of speech was read by the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Education, Datin Paduka Apsah binti Haji Majid.
'Teaching Quality and Standard - It Matters in the Classroom in SPN21' is the theme of three-day seminar cum workshop held at the International Convention Centre.
The theme was carefully formulated.
According to Hajah Norjum binti Haji Yusop, Deputy Permanent Secretary (Corporate Services), who is Co-Chairperson of the seminar cum workshop, the theme is to echo the agenda which is widely talked about in the Ministry of Education and as an initiative to socialise the standard of teaching among the participants who are mostly teachers and school heads before the standard is endorsed and applied to teaching in schools.
The minister in his speech said the theme goes in tandem with "our concern and main agenda in education, that is, the quality and standard of teaching in schools".
He asked teachers to make an extra effort to help those who have for some reasons fallen behind in some subjects to catch up using strategies and tools that have been successfully tried out in other countries.
In the 21st century world, children learn using a new set of tools in an increasingly electronic and wireless environment. Teachers, he said, must also come up with a new set of teaching strategies to meet the needs of this generation of learners.
"It should no longer be necessary for teachers to ask children to spend valuable learning time in school memorising a vast amount of data without understanding what they mean and how they connect to the world around them," he said.
Teacher quality has a significant impact on students' outcome, an overseas study concluded, the minister said. Therefore, he said, the Ministry of Education places very important emphasis on the improvement of teachers and leadership qualities.
It is towards this end, according to the minister, that the ministry is looking to introduce a "national teacher standard" so that all who work in classrooms conform to a minimum standard.
"Perhaps, through this event (the seminar cum workshop), the ministry can begin to put in place a mechanism for developing and establishing teacher standards for Brunei Darussalam."
"Teaching should not be a profession of last resort. It should be for those with a passion and talent for teaching, Renumeration wise, the recent introduction of the new 'Skim Perkhidmatan Guru (SPG)' should provide better career pathway for teachers and students who wish to join the teaching profession," he said.
Isnin, 09 November 2009
Cari jalan tingkat kualiti pendidikan
Datin Paduka Apsah
Antara pendidik yang menyertai persidangan berkenaan.
Isnin, 09 November 2009 - Persidangan Perguruan kedua sempena sambutan Hari Guru Ke-19 dengan tema 'Standard dan Kualiti Pengajaran di dalam Kelas dengan SPN21' berlangsung di Pusat Persidangan Antarabangsa Berakas.
Sepanjang bengkel berkenaan, idea daripada kertas kerja yang dibentangkan memberi pengetahuan berguna untuk dijadikan landasan dalam menyalurkan pengetahuan kepada pelajar.
Dengan menumpukan perhatian kepada matlamat ke arah Sistem Pendidikan Negara Abad 21 (SPN21), bengkel itu juga bertepatan kerana persidangan kedua itu mengulas mengenai standard dan kualiti pendidikan di dalam negara dan bersesuaian dengan aspirasi pendidikan dalam memperkenalkan SPN21.
Memang relevan tajuk yang akan dibentangkan nanti kerana Kementerian Pendidikan kali ini menjemput penceramah dari Institut Pendidikan Hong Kong, Dennis Michael McInerney, NUS High School Singapura, Dr Hang Kim Hoo, dan Keith Addyman dari The Parkside Federation United Kingdom.
Pembentang dari luar negara ini akan menyentuh mengenai standard kualiti sistem pendidikan dan profesionalisme guru yang sekarang ini menjadi fokus Kementerian Pendidikan bagi mencapai matlamat SPN21.
Ini dinyatakan oleh Setiausaha Tetap (Pendidikan Teras) Kementerian Pendidikan, Datin Paduka Apsah Haji Abdul Majid, yang juga tetamu kehormat pada majlis pembukaan seminar dan bengkel kali kedua sempena sambutan Hari Guru ke-19.
"Bengkel itu juga dapat membantu meningkatkan mutu pendidikan negara kerana ia menjurus kepada kualiti pendidikan dan profesionalisme guru."
Kita perlu memikirkan bagaimana guru hendak meningkatkan lagi kualiti pengajaran yang sedia ada dan pekerjaan di sekolah dan yang sangat penting kerana pengajaran yang berkualiti akan menghasilkan pembelajaran yang terbaik, dan sempurna dengan isi yang berkualiti, tambahnya.
Menurut beliau: "Bagaimanapun kebanyakan guru menggerakkan usaha pasu mereka dalam memberikan yang terbaik pada aspek pengajaran dan pendidikan di sekolah, tetapi janganlah kita menghentikan usaha ini kerana setiap peluang yang ada hendaklah dimanfaatkan sepenuh bagi mencapai matlamat guru yang profesional."
Beliau juga mengetengahkan isu mengenai kehadiran SPN21 dengan Ketua Sekolah dan Guru juga memahami dengan objektif utama dan perubahan rasional yang dibawa oleh SPN21.
"Perubahan ini berkaitan dengan penilaian dan inspirasi kita kepada kanak-kanak untuk menguasai asas mata pelajaran yang pelbagai dan seimbang sebelum kanak-kanak itu menuju ke arah pengkhususan dan menyedari potensi diri sendiri".